Friday, April 24, 2009

What is Wealth and How Do I Find It?

If you want to create wealth, it will help to understand what it is. Wealth is not the same thing as money. Wealth is the fundamental thing. Wealth is stuff we want: food, clothes, houses, cars, gadgets, travel to interesting places, and so on. You can have wealth without having money. If you had a magic machine that could on command make you a car or cook you dinner or do your laundry, or do anything else you wanted, you wouldn't need money. However, since nobody has a magic machine, money becomes the tool that brings you wealth. Your Net Worth is a reflection of the amount of money you have that drives your ability to create wealth. When you look at the formula for Net Worth (Net Worth = Assets - Liabilities), you will notice that your Net Worth will increase by increasing your assets and by decreasing your liabilities. It is important that you understand how both assets and liabilities affect your net worth. You want an abundance of assets and a very limited amount of liabilities to have a large Net Worth.

So how do you find wealth? The answer is: There is no one road to wealth, but you can put the odds of creating wealth on your side by following a few simple precepts.

1. Spend less than you earn.
This is often the most overlooked scenario, because many people believe it's a matter of cutting back on your current standard of living -- a strategy that's almost impossible for most people. Certainly, you can affect your personal balance sheet by spending less money dining out or on entertainment. Making a pot of coffee at the office instead of buying a $3 latte will make a slight difference in your cash flow. But the big difference is usually made on the income side of the ledger. Stop looking at your budget as a fixed pie that must be cut up into different size pieces to cover your regular bills for housing, telephone, electricity, car expenses and insurance. Instead, concentrate on thinking about how you could expand the size of the pie. Sure, you could ask your boss for a raise. But that's a less likely prospect than figuring out how you could earn more money on the side. Take a look at how you're spending your time, as well as your money. Perhaps by looking at increasing your income though an opportunity like the dual income opportunity with Nouveau Riche your life could change almost immediately. By spending your extra time focusing on creating multiple streams of income through entrepreneurial opportunities and investment strategies such as those taught at the Nouveau Riche Real Estate Investment College you can create more wealth than by simply cutting back on what you spend money on.

2. Make your money work as hard as you do.
The real secret of financial success lies in making your money do the work, so you can relax. But that requires accumulating enough investment dollars so that the growth and earnings can free you from the need to punch a time clock. Many very wealthy people continue to work simply because they enjoy what they're doing. Or they redefine work to include managing their money. Many people argue that they'll never get to the point where they won't have to return to work because they can't afford to set money aside today. The opportunities offered and taught through Nouveau Riche can change all of that for you. As a part of the Nouveau Riche community you get to work hand in hand with like-minded individuals that have already found success through Nouveau Riche and want to show you the way. The Nouveau Riche College and being a part of the Nouveau Riche Community will show you how to make your money do the work so that you don’t have to.

3. Make sure your money is working for you, instead of against you.
Just as your money can work very powerfully for you if you make the right decisions and stick to a plan of regular investing, wrong money decisions put potholes on the road to success. The Nouveau Riche College will educate you on making the right decision and teach you what “Not” to do. Nouveau Riche can teach you how to create multiple streams of income and how to invest them wisely to make you more money instead of making bad investments that take money away from you.

4. Remember: If you don't start somewhere it will never happen!
Whether it is a matter of starting to put money from your paycheck into a 401k or an IRA or learning how to find opportunities that will create more income for you, you have to start somewhere or your path to creating wealth will never get started. The Nouveau Riche Real Estate Investment College has a full curriculum of strategies for investing to find fast profits as well as long term profits. The Nouveau Riche College will also teach you financial management, tax strategies and other key elements of knowledge that you will need to maximize your potential for wealth creation.

5. Create savings and investment goals.
Would you like to have $1 million by the age of 40 or 50 or by the time you retire? Set your own goals. But never set a goal you can't control. Your targets can't depend on your boss giving you a raise; they must be reachable by your own efforts. You might need to invest in yourself by acquiring more education so you can learn new ways to create more income. You might need to take more risk in your investments, or in your lifestyle by taking on an opportunity pays large commissions, such as the Nouveau Riche Entrepreneurial Opportunity, instead of a fixed salary. Evaluate the risks involved, and understand that by putting the odds on your side, you can get a larger return.

Learn More About the Following:
Nouveau Riche Real Estate Investment College
The Nouveau Riche College Experience
Wealth Creation through Nouveau Riche
Education for Real Estate Investing
Real Estate Investor Mentoring
The Nouveau Riche Community Experience
Entrepreneurial Opportunity
Nouveau Riche and Jim Piccolo
Nouveau Riche and Bob Snyder
Nouveau Riche Student Testimonials
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